

Tuesday 17 September 2013

article:Chart your Child's Accomplishments with a Chore Chart

It can be very frustrating to ask your child over and over again to complete their chores without them ever getting done.  Sometimes it's the result of a child not knowing how to organize and prioritize their time.  Help your child develop these important skills by implementing a chore chart.

Chores might include taking out the garbage, doing the dishes, cleaning their room, yard work or putting laundry in the laundry room. After your child completes each chore, they can put a check mark on the chore chart. At the end of each week, it's very inspiring for both parent and child to look at the chore chart and easily see that each designated job was completed.  Just like our to do lists, your child will find great satisfaction in being able to check off each chore as it's completed and take pride knowing they accomplished a set task or list of tasks.  Once the child is more adept at completing each task and learns to recognize which ones should be completed first, additional ones can be added to the list.
Once you've sat down with your child and discussed and designed a chore chart, it's time to discuss the rewards for accomplishing each task listed.  Perhaps at your home you decide you will give a set sum for each task accomplished.  If you should decide to grant your child some sort of monetary allowance, make sure it's age appropriate and granted on a regular basis. A good rule of thumb is 50 cents per year of age.  However, be firm about the allowance being an all or nothing reward.  No allowance is given if the items on the list are only partially completed or if they haven't been completed in a quality fashion.  Teach your child early to strive to do it right the first time, and learn to save time in the process.
By helping your child to develop a sense of organization early on, you'll equip them with an important skill that will help them succeed later in life.

Monday 16 September 2013


It is always believed that money is the root of all evils. Yes, it could be but it is not all-true. We need money for our needs. If used well, it is the greatest material asset you could have. But, if you let yourself get carried away with the things and the services money could afford without proper use would result to negative outcomes.

Money could be an angel and save you from worries and give you a life of comfort and of convenience.

On the other hand, it could lead to a worse situation.

  • Money could be the source of the guts to be into gambling and other forms of vicious activities. This would further result to even worse outcomes.
  •  With money, materialism is also growing. Too much of it would be very negative in effect.
  • People gets too reliant on money and laziness or tardiness are triggered. This of course plunges down the dignity of work.
  • Money is the cause of selfishness and greed for most modern-day people. With the wrong perception that money would make one feel happy and secured, people do all means to covet it.
  • Relationships are broken due to the disagreement in money matters. Feuds blow up when money is at stake.
  • Money in form of prizes, people tend to rely on their luck by joining games of luck and become too impatient of working hard.
  • Fraud in the government like corruption rooted from the influence of money.

As we see it, it is not money that is evil. How people see and consider money is what matters most. Through time, money has become the wrong core of lives people have. Due to such, misery wraps the world and it all falls back to the fact that majority of people around the globe has the thinking that money buys all and money influences all.

In a shallow look, these are true but beneath the materialistic worldly eyes, there are things that money could buy and the things that are of huge essence are not necessarily things.

Sunday 15 September 2013

article:Careful Organization and Planning Helps Preserve your Favorite Photos

Photos can be a wonderful way to preserve memories and relive favorite past moments.  However, they can also become a cluttered mess without an organized storage plan. 
Probably the most important tool to have when you begin your photo organization project is a trash can.  Statistics show the average person develops one roll of 24 pictures a month but only seven are worth keeping. That being said, you'll probably find many photos in your collection that simply aren't worth keeping.
Another tool you'll need during your organization process is several manila envelopes.  Do your best to sort the photos by year, and place each group in the envelope with the year clearly marked on it.  Place these envelopes in a strong cardboard box or storage bin.  You'll probably be able to store a decade's worth of photos in a single container.
Collages and shadow boxes are great ways to display several photos from a selected year.  Include mementos and keepsakes in the shadowbox to add a unique personality.  Special photos should be enlarged and framed to be displayed around your home.
Take special care to purchase photo albums that are made with acid-free paper.  The acid used in processing everyday paper can be very damaging to photographs over the long haul. 
Scrapbooking is a growing trend and a clever and creative way to display your photos. Craft stores have an abundance of scrapbook supplies, including stencils, decorative scissors, background papers, rubber stamps and permanent markers. You can also utilize everyday items around your house such as ribbons, magazine clippings, and fabrics.  Again, take care to ensure that the paper you use is acid-free or is displayed separately from your favorite photos. 
Lastly, just in case something should happen to your photos, make sure you have a backup plan to replace them. Store the negatives of your most important and cherished photographs in your safe deposit box to also protect against theft or destruction from elements such as fires or floods. 

Friday 13 September 2013


The public faces a barrage of newspapers, telephone and direct
mail advertisements promising quick wealth and fortune through
"too good to be true" opportunities.

Perhaps you have been among those invited to take advantage of
such opportunity by entering a drawing for oil gas leases on
federal lands. The ad says: write for details or send a check to
cover the cost of filing fee and other services, and have your
name entered in the drawing.

It is really possible to strike it rich? How slim are the odds
and what are the risks?

The purpose of this report is to acquaint you with the relit and
procedures involved regarding oil and gas leasing form the


Lands that are not within any known geologic structure of a
producing oil and gas field, commonly known as "wildcat" lands,
are subject to leasing to the first qualified person making
application for a lease. Such lease is termed non competitive
since the applicant is entitled to the lease without competiting


Many tracts offered for non competitive leasing are in the
Western States where most of the public land is located. These
are the states of Alaska, California, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho,
Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. Occasionally, a
few tracts in Washington and Oregon are offered.

Tracts in the Midwest and East are also put up for non
competitive leasing. The tracts are primary in Alabama, Arkansas,
Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi and Ohio.


Each State Office of the Bureau of Land Management prepares and
posts a list of lands within its jurisdiction that are available
for releasing. These tracts range in size form 40 acres up to a
maximum of 10,240 acres. These list a may be viewed in the State
Offices or obtained from the State Offices by mail for a small
charge, usually $5 to $10 per list.

If any lands are available for releasing, the Bureau of Land
Management State Office posts its list on the first day of
business for the months of February, April, June, August,
October, and December. Applications are accepted until the close
of business on the 15th working day after the list is posted. If
more than one application is received for a given tract, a
drawing is held to decide who will get the lease. All application
for simultaneous oil and gas leases must be submitted to the
Wyoming State Office, which maintains a central computerized


Federal oil and gas leases may be obtained and held by any
citizen of the United States; however, no lease may be acquired
by a minor, but it may be issued to a legal guardian or trustee
in behalf of the minor. Associations of citizens and corporations
under the laws of the United States or of the State also qualify.

Aliens amy not hold any interest in leases. They may, however,
own or control stock in a corporation holding leases, if the laws
of their country do not deny similar privileges to citizens of
the United States.

No person, association, or corporation may hold, own or control
oil and gas leases for than 246,080 acres in any one State.


Applications may be filed on any of the parcels shown on the list
posted in the BLM State Office. The parcel applied for must be
identified by the number shown on the list.

Each offer to lease must be submitted on a official Automated
Simultaneous Oil and Gas Lease Application (forms 3112-6), The
applications must be fully completed and personally signed in ink
by the applicant, or anyone authorized to sign on behalf of the
applicant, during the filing period.

Each part B application form must be accompanied by a non
refundable $75 filing fee for each parcel, and the first year's
rental of $1 per acre or fraction thereof.

Each applicant must contain the actual business or residential
address of the applicant. Addresses of third parties filing on
behalf of the applicant are not permitted.

An applicant may file, or have an interest in, only one
application for any one parcel; however, an applicant may file,
or have an interest in, one application each for as many
different parcels as he or she wishes.


After the close of the filing period on the 25th working day
after the list is posted, a computer-generated random selection
is conducted at the Wyoming State Office. Because of the heavy
volume of applicants that must be processed, selection does not
occur until the following month.

One applicant is randomly selected for each numbered parcel. If
the applicant selected is unacceptable or rejected, a reselection
will be made by computer from the remaining applications. Each
applicant is notified of the results of his application in the
random selection. The advance rental will be refunded to


It should be remembered that these lands have been leased
previously and are not known to contain deposits of oil or gas.
Neither the Bureau of Land Management nor any other Federal
agency can make any recommendation concerning the potential value
of any parcel offered for non competitive leasing.

Most applicants use a "Filing Service" to select parcels. Some
service charge a fee to evaluate parcels on the basis of
geological and marketing data; others offer maps and information
about the activities of oil companies operating in the area where
the various parcels are located. A third type of filing service
charges a fee for selecting a parcel from the list posted by the
Bureau and assisting the applicant in filing application.

Neither BLM, nor any other Federal agency, endorses any filing
service. None are in any way with the Federal Government.
Be wary of filing services that paint an overly optimistic
picture of your chances of winning and making money. Consider
these firms may file for hundreds and even thousands of clients
on a limited number of parcels, and the more interest these firms
can generate in drawings, the more applications will be filed on
each parcel, and the less chance each individual will have of
obtaining a lease.

The names of firms or individuals that specialize as filing
services may be located through business or professional
associations, through oil and gas trade publications or chambers
of commerce. They sometimes are listed under the heading "Federal
Leasing Services" in the yellow pages of telephone directories.

Anyone considering the use of a filing services should carefully
examine what services are offered and how big
a premium is being charged beyond the required $75 filing fee and
the advance rental that must be paid to BLM for each filing.

Possible source of information on a filing service are the Better
Business Bureau in the area where the firm is located and the
State, county or local consumer protection agency.


The lease grants the lessee the right to explore and drill for,
extract, remove and dispose of oil and gas deposits, except
helium, that may be found in leased lands. Such leases are issued
for a period of 10 years and so long thereafter as oil and gas
are produced in paying quantities. The lessee cannot build a
house on the land, cultivate the land, or remove any minerals
other than oil and gas from the leased land.

Before any drilling operation can commence, the lessee or his
operator must fournish a bond to assure compliance with all the
lease terms, including protection of the environment.


The value of oil and gas leases varies greatly. None of the
tracts offered has known potential for oil and gas production. In
certain cases, non competitive leases have brought substantial
profit to the winners. Generally, however, these leases average
only a few dollars per acre if resold.


Many people who acquire an oil and gas lease through the leasing
system do not intend to drill for oil or gas. Often the motive
for entering the drawing is to sell the lease to an oil company
for a profit.

If the lease is located in an area which may be attractive to
industry, interested buyers may make an offer.

A willing buyer may offer a lump sum for a lease. In some cases,
the original lessee can negotiate to retain a royalty interest in
any future production from the lease.


Any person who considers entering the oil and has drawing should
keep certain facts in mind:

* The land offered for leasing was formerly included in oil and
gas leases that expired, terminated, or were relinquished or

* The land involved is not recognized as being within a know
geological structure of a producing oil or gas field.

* Your offer to lease is strictly a gamble. Since a very
large percentage of the tracts won are never drilled on, your
parcel may not have any potential for oil and gas even if you win
the drawing.

* the more desirable parcels may attract hundreds, even thousands
of applications.


After carefully reading this report, if you wish to participate
in the drawings of your own, here is how to proceed:

Select the geographical area that interest

Locate the BLM State Office that is responsible for the area you
have selected. Write that state for information. The State Office
will send you application forms and tell you how much it will
cost you to receive by mail the list from which you must select
your tracts for the drawing.

Wednesday 11 September 2013


Mailing lists may be the cause of more heartbreaks than any
other single factor in mail order.  A poorly chosen list, a weak
mailing and the high cost of mailing to a list can tax the
optimism of a new dealer very, very quickly.  Arm yourself with
knowledge before embarking on a course like  this!

Whether you should use a mailing list to sell your product
depends on several things:

Is it too complex an offering to be explained in a 30 word ad?

Can you afford to mail 200 to 1,000 pieces on the chance that
you won't get a single order?

Can you make a profit selling your product to only two to twenty
people in a 1,000 piece mailing?

Will a re-order of your product be required, and can you make
your re-orders pay for the losses you will likely get from
mailing to a list?

Do you know enough to choose the right list for your offering?

It takes either great faith in your offering or great stupidity
to mail with a list.  Most list companies today, specialize in
"opportunity seekers" - people generally quite new to mail order
who are either looking for a product to sell or an offer that
will get them rich in a hurry.

Most of these "opportunity seekers" are engaged in chain letter
type schemes at some point, and they use mailing lists to make
gains in their plans.  Most of them lose money, but enough
people will try it once to make money, and these pie-in-the-sky
dreamers are the bread and butter for a lot of mailing list
companies.  Unless you have a truly superior offering for these
opportunity seekers, and you probably don't, they are not worth
your time and money.  Most of them are unsophisticated dabblers.

Multi-level lists, offered by many companies, are truly an
interesting way to test response to an MLM offer.  Many MLM
people like to write back - in their own handwriting - about
their successes and failures, and they will always respond to a
superior product.

Specialized product-buyers' lists can pull beautifully if the
offering is unique enough, and worth a try for merchandise

Regardless of what kind of mailing list you use, be very careful
in choosing a good list.  Many are sold and resold to people
making the very same offering, which is a waste of everyone's
money.  "Free" mailing lists are usually as good as their price
indicates.  Check the guarantees.  Common sense will tell you
which are good for you and which are good for the company
selling the lists.  And check to see how the lists are compiled.
 Are they people who have already bought something by mail, or
are they merely people who indicated they might want to buy
something by mail?

In conclusion, we recommend that you never start any campaign
with a mailing list when advertising is so much cheaper.  While
it may prove to be more profitable than advertising, keep this
rule in mind:

When you're ready to try a mailing list, be fully prepared to
lose every penny you spend in buying and mailing that list,
because it could happen.

Tuesday 10 September 2013


One of the easiest ways to making extra money is with a camera.
More people own cameras than radios, and photography is the
fastest growing hobby in the world. Yet using a camera as an
extra income tool is largely overlooked!

With a little imagination, a flair for showmanship, and just a
hint of showmanship, the average man or woman, or even teenager,
can easily make an extra $300 a week with his camera.

You don't have to have one of the popular, more expensive cameras
either, or a lot of high priced attachments and equipment. in
many instances, a Polaroid or other "off-the-shelf" camera will
suit the purposes perfectly. The only special piece of extra
equipment you may want to invest in would be a tripod for
mounting the camera in certain situations.

One of the easiest ideas is to visit a children's clothing store
in one of the busy shopping centers, or the children's department
in one of the large department stores. Sell the manager or store
owner on the idea of your setting up in a corner of the store or
department, and taking pictures of the shoppers' children. He can
promote the fact that you'll be in the store taking pictures for
a special prices during certain hours---perhaps on Friday
evenings and all day Saturdays---in his advertising, thus drawing
more patrons into his store because of you.

You'll need a sheet or plain piece of material, or some sort of
imaginative set for a background. But this can be easily make or
build yourself. You should also have an eye-catching poster that
calls attention to what you're doing and the prices you're
charging. Unless you're a commercial artist, spend the money to
have this sign made for you by a professional. The next and last
thing you'll need will be a two-part receipt or coupon.

This can be a simple piece of paper about 2 inches wide by 5
inches long. On the left side draw lines for your customers to
fill in their name, telephone number and address. You might also
want to include space for additional information such as the
child's name and age and number of children in the family, for
future efforts, but keep it brief and simple.

On the right side of this coupon, have your business name,
address and telephone number, plus a quick outline of the
different kinds of photography work you handle, and perhaps a
business slogan such as "Satisfaction Guaranteed or You Don't

To add a little bit of class to this coupon, take the basic
outline of this idea over to a instant print shop. Tell them what
you want; show them your outline; and have them typeset
everything. Then put a fancy border around the whole coupon and
have it printed on colored paper. The best color is a "dollar
bill" shade of green. If you want to give it even more class, you
could have it printed on green, lightweight card stock. You'll
want to divide the "information" side of this coupon from the
"business card" side with a dotted line and perforations.

If you layout this coupon properly, you should be able to get six
of them on an 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper or card stock. This
means the printer can print and cut 6,000 of them for about the
same cost as printing circulars or flyers.

On your printing, shop around for the best deal, but in the end,
it shouldn't cost more than $60 for all 6,000 coupons which will
come those 1,000 sheets of paper or card stock.

Now, when you take a person's picture, regardless of whether it's
an "in-store" set-up out on the golf course, or along the street,
you give your customer one of your coupon-receipts and tell them
their prints will be ready in a couple of days. They fill in the
information part of the coupon and give it back to you, retaining
your "business card" portion of it.

When the prints are ready, you can phone the customer and remind
him--volunteer to deliver and collect; send them through the mail
with a bill; or make arrangements with a store to take care of
them until the people call for them and pay at that time.

Most stores, golf courses, bowling centers, and other retail
merchants will be glad to handle this part of it for you, because
it brings the customers back into the places of business, and
provides another sales opportunity for them.

By all means, be sure to include an advertising circular with
each set of pictures you deliver. This circular should explain
how the customer can get more prints, how he can get enlargements
of his favorites, and details relating to all the other
photography services you offer

Back to the original "in-store" picture taking set-up during
evening shopping hours and on weekends  for extra income. You can
call attention to your "in-store" set-up, and bring in more
business with a few merchandising promotional ideas. In the
following paragraphs we give the highlights of a few ideas that
have worked well. However, you should keep your eyes open to
observe additional promotional ideas that could be adapted to fit
your new business.

Dress a helper in a clown suit, and take pictures of the kids in
his lap or with his arm around the kids. Put a sandwich
advertising board on a helper and let him stroll through the
shopping center advertising the fact that you're in  a Kiddies
Clothing store taking pictures.

Promote a "Baby of The Year" contest where you can take pictures
of the babies, display the pictures on a "show board" and offer
$100 cash plus a merchandise prize in a big drawing at the end of
the year.

Set up a booth in the mall and promote "Instant Snapshots." Be a
Roving Photographer and take candid shots of shoppers and promote
a "Shopper Of The Year" contest. Work with a clown and have him
"attach himself" to the kids, and ask if they'd like to have
their pictures taken with him. Build and inexpensive and portable
set, such as an airplane, a race car, bucking bronco,
hand-shaking scene with a famous person or "balloon figures" and
take pictures of the people standing in or on these sets.

Get out to the golf course and take pictures of the golfers
teeing off. Get over to the bowling centers and take candid shots
of the bowlers in action. Do the same thing wherever there's a
sports event taking place. Be on the spot and ready whenever
there's an opportunity to take team pictures.

You might follow, or hire someone else to follow a Little League
team through its season, taking candid and action shots. You then
arrange the best pictures in a photo album with the team's name
and year on front. You should be able to sell one of these albums
to each member of the team.

There's also the idea of "just" strolling through the park" on a
Sunday afternoon. You can take candid and interesting pictures of
couples, children and people in general spending time with their

Keep tabs on the announcements of new births. Send advertising
literature to the new mothers, and follow up with a phone call
efforts to set up photography sessions.

Keep tabs on the engagement notices in the weekend papers. Send
your sales literature to the brides-to-be, and follow up with
phone call efforts to take the wedding pictures.

Set up a household and business photo inventory service. With
this idea, you contact the insurance companies and determine if
they will approve and endorse photographs you take of their
policy holders' household, personal, and business property in
loss claims.

Most will, and from there--working either with the help of an
insurance agent, the agency itself, or on your own--contact
owners of property and sell them on the idea of you taking
pictures of the household goods they have insured. You take the
pictures--a pictorial inventory of everything they're claiming or
would like to claim on an insurance policy--and then identify the
pictures, giving one set to the property owner and the other set
to his insurance agent or company.

Picture inventories of household and personal property is still a
new thing, but everywhere it's been introduced, it's definitely
proven to be a super money- maker  for the people willing to get
out and hustle.

If this idea arouses your interest, you might want to check into
a going franchise operation that gives you a complete business
manual, operations guidebook, and ongoing consultant services:
Photographic Inventory, PO Box 4046, Morgantown, WV 26505.

Once you decide that using your camera to generate extra income
is what you're going to do, get out and use your camera, start
taking pictures, and allow yourself the opportunity to build.
Give yourself the chance, and you'll quickly begin to think of
hundreds of ideas for taking pictures, merchandising ideas for
promoting your services, and sales angles for increasing your

The important thing is to get started, regardless of how small
your start, and begin cashing in on an idea that's still in its
infancy. This is an idea that can produce new concepts for profit
every day of the week. An idea that can be fun, as well as
financially rewarding for you!

You've got the idea and the plan--the rest is up to you. You've
got the ball; now run with it!

Monday 9 September 2013

article for money...SPORTS SCORECARDS

Here's a beautiful idea that's sure to put a lot of cash in your pockets! It's an idea that definitely fulfills a need, and has tremendous market potential virtually anywhere in the whole world.

As you probably already know, our ever-improving standard of living is giving everyone more and more leisure time- time to play, and enjoy doing the things that bring them happiness.

You can capitalize on the abundance of leisure time, the challenge of the game, and man's determination to do better the next time out than last time, with Personalized Bowling or Golf Scorecards. The only investment needed will be a little bit of your time, and then your ideas should just about perpetuate itself. Here's how to get organized and started...

1) Make several Xerox copies of the "Personal Score Card" given as a part of this report. Paste these "copies" onto light weight card stock.

2) Make a list of the sporting good stores in your area, particularly those in the areas of your bowling and golfing establishments. In fact, if you have several, it would be best to group each list of sports stores with the bowling or golfing facilities by area.

3) With your example of the "Personal Scoring Record," call upon the owners or managers of these bowling and/or golfing outlets. Using a low-keyed sales approach, explain the workings of your product, and sell them on the idea of putting up the money for the basic supply of cards and printing. (This will enable you to reap 100% profit from the sale of advertising on the cards.) These facilities benefit from an advertisement on the "front page" of each score card.) Your sale to the bowling/golfing facilities managers should be for the provision of one to five thousand of these cards, which they'll make available to their patrons free of charge at their cash control counters.

4) You can either sell the advertising space on the card yourself, or hire commission sales people to do the selling for you. It would be best to do your own selling for you. It would be best to do your own selling, because once you've got the card sold, you'll not have to do any reselling--just call on your advertisers about every three months to perpetuate their contracts with you. It will be important, though, for you to "drop in" on your advertisers at least once a month to check to see how things are going and if they're pleased with your advertising. If you don't drop in on your advertisers except at renewal time, you will find it very hard to sustain them as advertisers.

5) You should charge each advertisers at least $100 for exposure of his "one by one" display ad on 5,000 of your cards for 3 months running. With space for a total of twenty such ads, which the advertiser supplies for you, each bowling or golfing facility that you set up with these personal score cards should mean a couple of thousand dollars in profits.

6)When you've sold your advertisers, and collected the ads they want to run on your scorecard, take the"sample card" with your printer---any quick print shop will do have him help you with the "paste-up" and tell him to print 5,000 for you, and to finish them by folding them for you. Your costs should all be absorbed within the money received from the bowling or golfing establishment you first sold the cards to...When your cards are ready, simply take them to the original bowling or golfing manager, exchange a few amenities and leave them with him for handing out to his patrons or customers.

From start to finish, the whole project shouldn't take you more than a couple of weeks. And if you only sold one card every three months, this would/could mean a very easy annual income of $12,000... Of course the ideal situation is go on selling these cards, using the same principle, to go to as many different blowing and golfing centers as possible. In small towns with only one or two such centers, travel to the surrounding towns and sell the idea to them. In the Seattle Washington area, the people are grossing more than $150,000 a year while working only one month out of every three!

This is the idea...It's very workable anywhere in the world..It's been proven to be a fabulous money-maker in Seattle, Washington... The next step, and the rest is up to you!

Sunday 8 September 2013

Making Money with Articles: How Much Can I Make?

How much you can make from placing articles and affiliate links on your website differs from person to person. How much you are able to make will depend mostly on how successful your site is. This means getting good search engine rankings through SEO efforts, making your site enjoyable and informative to read through engaging content, building your site around a great niche subject, how big your site is, and how many sites you have.

Some people claim to make as much as $10,000 per month ($120,000 per year) through building and promoting niche sites, however, most people should not expect this kind of success, especially if you are very new, as that kind of success usually only comes with experience and acquired skill. A reasonable income to expect from a niche site, after you have worked for months to gain traffic and are hooked up with good affiliates, may be $500-$1,000 per month. However this is recurring income, so you will make that much monthly off of the efforts you put into that one site, it is not a one shot deal.

After you have a successful site, most choose to continue to build niche sites. The more sites that you build, the better an income you can generate. Some also choose to build very fast and very short sites over sites that are slightly longer in length. It should be noted that the larger each of your sites are, the more income you will likely generate off of them.

When starting out, it is important to remember that your first site will always be your hardest, since you are just learning the ropes of the business, and that not everyone is cut out to market and promote niche sites. It may not work out for you and you may end up losing a little bit of money, but that is a risk that everyone in this business has to take.

The important thing is that you don’t give up without a good shot at it, if this is really what you want to do. Your first site may take a long time, the work may be tedious, and you may feel like throwing in the towel. However, if you give up too early, you will never know what could have been. And who knows, you may be the next great website marketer!

Saturday 7 September 2013

Making Money with Articles: Freelance Writers

If you cannot or do not wish to write your articles yourself, you can search different outsourcing companies to find a freelance writer to help you grow your business and your website. These freelancers will ghost write articles for you which means that you will own all copyrights to the material that is produced to do with what you want. Freelance writers have a talent for writing, however, they would rather make quick money off of writing for others, rather than taking the time to build a niche website that will need to be heavily marketed and promoted to begin earning revenue. They are usually not marketers, but rather people who have a gift for the written word. On the other hand, those who are looking to make money from articles are marketers. They are looking to build websites that will give them long term revenue, rather than one quick payment and that is it. This Internet pool or freelance writers will open up a good opportunity for you to receive the quality, original content that you are looking for to build your niche site.

Friday 6 September 2013

Making Money with Articles: The Importance of Picking a Catchy URL

One of the first things you will need to do, or possibly last if you need some inspiration, after you pick your niche topic is to pick a catchy URL. You want it to be one that will stand out and that will be easy to remember for those who plan on being return visitors.

To get some ideas and inspiration, take a look at the various keywords that you have singled out for your niche to see if any of those have a catchy ring. You want it to be kind of “used car salesman” sounding, rather than something that is boring or does not have an original sound to it. For example, if your niche is “blah”, you could try “MegaBlah”, “Blah4u”, “HouseofBlah”, or “BlahKingdom”. These will all be original, explain what you niche is, and, most importantly, will be easy to remember.

How easy your URL is to remember is the most important so that your visitors will not have any trouble returning and clicking on more affiliate links!

Thursday 5 September 2013

Making Money with Articles: Picking a Good Web Hosting Company

Picking a good web hosting company is important to keeping your website open and your costs down. There are many to choose from, as well as different pricing plans to look over. Depending on the amount of sites that you intend on building, you may want to consider a larger web space in the long run.

You should start with the smallest web space that you can get to test the waters, just incase niche website Internet marketing does not work out for you. You may want to add on later, so make sure that your provider offers that option.

You will want to choose a provider that has a reliable service. If your site is down or takes to long to open up when visitors are trying to get in, it may lead them to click out of your site and move on to the next one. They will also more than likely not visit in the future since they will remember their bad experience. For this reason, it is probably best to stick with a well known company who you can check reliable references on. There are many small hosting providers that offer space for as low as $.50 to $1 per month, however, you never know what you will be getting and many of them want you to pay for at least a years worth in advance.

You will also want one that has the most affordable hosting. If you can create your own small site or have one made for you, then you will probably be able to find space for as low as $3 to $4 per month. However, if you need to choose a company that offers a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) website builder, then you will probably end up paying $10 to $15 per month for the smallest amount of space. But if this is the only way that you can build a site, then it is necessary.

Some web hosting providers may also offer a deal on a yearly URL or other products when you make a web hosting purchase.

Ultimately, whatever web hosting provider you choose will depend on your individual needs and what you can afford. Hopefully you will be able to snap up a well known provider at a low price who will allow you to upgrade your service as needed.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

How to Become A Clickbank Super Affiliate

Making money through affiliate marketing is one of the most rewarding careers one could ever have. What’s good about this business is that anyone can join and make their way to success. Affiliate marketing has been known to be cost-efficient, assessable method of conveying long-term results. In fact, you can start even with a shoe string budget. And with affiliate marketing, you can have the benefit of working from home and enjoying the freedom and flexibility of working for yourself.

But there are also some people who failed in this kind of business. It could be because they lack knowledge and tactics. If you are a web site owner and you want to join in an affiliate marketing business, you should know where to get good affiliate programs.

Clickbank is an ideal place to start. Here, you can find one of the largest affiliate marketing programs in the industry. You just need to visit their site, and secure a clickbank ID. From the Clickbank’s home page, proceed to “Earn Commissions” and look for the products and services that perfectly fit you and your site. These products are typically ranked according to their popularity.

Clickbank is one of the affiliate networks that serve as a 3rd party between the web merchants and the associated affiliates. It is responsible in providing the technology to deliver the merchant’s offers and campaigns. The affiliate network also do the job of collecting commission fees from the merchant and giving it to the affiliates involved in the program.

Clickbank provides you a large and increasing network of publishers or affiliates to tap into. To be more specific, clickbank has more than 100,000 affiliates who are experts in finding potential customers for your affiliate program. The reason why more and more affiliates are joining Clickbank is obvious – the process of gaining commissions in this network is absolutely fair and transparent.

For web merchants, joining Clickbank is so easy. You just need to sign up in their site for free and allow them to sell your products. Keep up a promotional web site that gives your potential customers detailed information about your offered product or services. At your website, you must also maintain a comprehensive technical support pages for your product. In return, Clickbank will promote and sell your product, give customer service for your product, allow their affiliates to pass on traffic to your web site, enable you to encourage new affiliates to advertise your web site, furnish real-time sales reporting for you and the affiliates and send you and all affiliates a paycheck  twice a month.

If you’re a Clickbank affiliate wannabe, you surely won’t find it hard to be a part of this network. First, you are required to place their link on your website and if you don’t have a Clickbank account, you need to complete the Clickbank affiliate form and create your own account. Then, if you already have a Clickbank username, you are free to choose whatever marketing tools you want to use bring in more clicks and generate more sales. After selecting marketing tools, you can now get your affiliate link.

That’s how simple it is to join Clickbank. But being a Clickbank super affiliate is no minor achievement. It means you need to possess the ability to sell lots of affiliate products. You also need to have expertise in search engine optimization, email marketing, newsletter marketing, reciprocal linkage, link exchanges and other methods of promoting your merchant’s goods and services.

Among the secrets to become successful in affiliate marketing is to come up with good content based website and put your affiliate links in all your content. Your main purpose here is to give your visitors good quality content about the things they are interested in. Set aside the job of selling. It must be done by the sales letter page you are transferring them to.

Promote multiple affiliate programs in your website but don’t promote everything the world has to offer. Just choose the affiliate programs that fit your site and focus on it.  Then, it is advisable to automate the whole process, giving you more time for other ventures. Yes, you’ve read it right! Automation is another key to become a super affiliate.

Of course, you have to spend more time in reading, learning and taking up the changes in affiliate marketing business. Through this, you’ll remain on top of the trends. If you are knowledgeable with online marketing, you’ll understand how important it is to stay up-to-date.  In this kind of business, what worked and what was accepted few months ago may not work at present. So always see to it that you know what’s new in affiliate marketing everyday.

It’s really hard to be a Clickbank super affiliate, but you shouldn’t say NO to the thought of giving up. Bear in mind that in affiliate marketing business, you need to develop persistence, patience and knowledge. These traits will teach you to carry on no matter how tough the job is. Also, check your statistics. This will help you find out what is working and what is not. Make necessary changes if needed but do it one at a time and be patient.

Don’t forget that in affiliate marketing, everything won’t take place overnight. And it will not happen without blood, sweat and hefty time commitment. Again, just encompass patience, persistence and knowledge; then do above mentioned tactics. Before you recognize it, you will start gaining profits. Believe me, the fruits of all your efforts here in affiliate marketing will be way too sweet.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Affiliate Marketing – simple, yet effective

Affiliate marketing is something that you’ll need to consider when it comes to being a large company. There are many ways that notable companies have used the internet for benefit. You’ll find that E-commerce is growing and there is a way for you to cash in. you’ll find that and BuyWeb is apart of the affiliate marketing process. You’ll need to think about using the internet as a way for your company to gain and edge in the market, as well as, build a relationship with others online in order to have a successful business.

The whole idea of affiliated marketing is something that is of interest to many. You’ll find that you are paid in one of the following ways. First, there is CPC, which is cost-per-click. This is where you are paid so much money just for having people look at the product. This means that you have to entice your target market to want to find out more about the product. The second way is to go through CPA or cost-per-action. This is when you make a sale, registration, or you have a customer take some “action” to support the product or company. Finally, you will find that there is CPS or cost-per-sale. This is where you will make money from every sale that you have.

Keep in mind that you both will benefit from affiliated marketing. You will be able to cash in from simply promoting a product and the company will end up making tons of money because they are moving product. This is definitely a win-win situation. You will find that it is very favorable when it comes to advertising. E-commerce is currently moving up in sales and it’s only best that you cash in as much as you can by promoting more commerce through the help of the internet.
